Mia Painting is a locally owned, family-operated business specializing in professional washing services for residential and commercial properties. From soft washing to power washing, we provide expert cleaning solutions to keep your property looking fresh and well-maintained. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality results with attention to detail and care for your surfaces. We offer free estimates to help you plan your cleaning project with confidence.
We provide expert pressure washing services to give your property a thorough, deep clean. We remove dirt, grime, mold, and mildew from surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, patios, and fences using high-powered equipment.
Our professional power washing services tackle tough stains and heavy-duty cleaning. We use powerful equipment to clean concrete, brick, and other hard surfaces, removing oil stains, dirt, and algae buildup. Our skilled technicians restore the exterior of your home or business, leaving it looking clean and well-maintained.
We offer gentle soft washing services to clean delicate surfaces safely. Using low-pressure water and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we clean roofs, siding, windows, and other sensitive areas without causing damage. Soft washing protects your surfaces while achieving a deep clean, making it the ideal choice for preserving the integrity of your property.
Ready to revitalize your property with professional washing services? Whether you need pressure, power, or soft washing, Mia Painting in The Lowcountry, has the expertise to do the job correctly. Call 843-338-0010 for a free estimate, and let us help you bring back the shine to your home or business!
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738 B Okatie Hwy, Okatie, SC, 29909
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